To use this program as a predictor for dial-in times at the track, simply correct a run to standard conditions, using the "Correct To Standard" option, and record these values. Next, enter these new values into the ET/MPH inputs, set the environmental variables to the new "environment", choose the "Correct To Environment" option, and hit compute.
cfet = 0.9986 + 0.0095 * (CorrBaro - 29.1) - 0.0002556*(Temp - 35.0) cfmph = 1.0003525 - 0.00975 * (CorrBaro - 29.1) + 0.0002667*(Temp - 35.0) For Correction TO Standard: Et = EtOld * cfet Mph = MphOld * cfmph For Correction FROM Standard: Et = EtOld / cfet Mph = MphOld / cfmphThese equations were obtained from a empirically-derived correction chart, which was fitted to the above form (least-squares).
Special "thanks" to Eric Thaxton ( for straighteni ng out the nomenclature errors on this page!
More special "thanks to Eric Thaxton (again) for finding a sign error in the MPH correction.