Cron Down

Procedure for when cron is down:

1) Log into the machine on which cron is down, either telnet or rsh.

telnet machinename
rsh machinename

2) Become local root.


3) Check to see if the cron process is running.

ps -ef | grep cron

If it is running, the output will contain the line:

root 22663 1 0 04:58:42 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron

4) If the cron process doesn't show to be running, open a second session by following steps one and two as above.

5) Change to the /etc/rc2.d directory.

cd /etc/rc2.d

6) Display a listing of the directory contents.


7) Pull up the text of the S75cron file.

more S75cron

8) Search for the command that starts with the phrase 'usr/bin'.


9) Copy and paste the line:

/usr/bin/rm -f /etc/cron.d/FIFO

onto the command line of the initial window opened and execute it to remove the FIFO file.

10) Copy and paste the line:


onto the command line of the initial window opened and execute it to restart the cron job.

11) Verify that the cron process is now running.

ps -ef | grep cron

The the output should now contain a line similar to:

root 22663 1 0 04:58:42 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron